I’m running two games of OD&D/Delving Deeper on my Discord server. In the play-by-post game our first Charm Person was successfully cast, and required a ruling on what exactly the effect is.
Our current ruleset is the playtest of Delving Deeper v5, falling back to v4 as necessary (because the v5 rules are somewhat incomplete). For cases where interpretation is required, I tend to consult the text of the original game before falling back to v4.
In the open table game, which is played on a scheduled basis, I sometimes look toward other versions of the game (e.g. supplements or the advanced game), for rules & rulings.
For purposes of Wittermixe (the play-by-post asynchronous game) however, I try to stick to Delving Deeper and the three original rulebooks.
So the question was: what exactly is the effect of the Charm Person spell?
And I should make clear before we go any further that many dungeon masters have ruled on this question in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. This is merely my own ruling based on my own interpretation, and is also an attempt to base a ruling very narrowly on the rules as originally available.
In DDv5, the Charm Person spell “Brings a single man-type who fails to save versus spells completely under the influence of the magic-user” and “lasts until it is dispelled.” This is in line with Men & Magic. DDv4 has some additional text, allowing an extra saving throw if the charmed figure is subjected to “gross abuse or negligence” by the caster.
As stated above, I try to use DDv5 (and the original rules) before I default to v4. In this case, if I am to rule based on v5 (without recourse to v4’s “gross abuse or negligence” clause), I merely have to decide on what “completely under the influence” means. Luckily, the original rules mention Charm Person a few times outside the text of the spell itself, and I found these examples very useful in making my ruling.
- NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS (M&M p12), states that monsters can be “Charmed and thus ordered to serve”.
- NIXIES (Monsters & Treasure p15) may cast Charm Person & keep the charmed under water with them for a year.
- DRYADS (M&T p16) have a “powerful” Charm Person with a -2 on the saving throw. Those effected by the dryad’s charm will stay in their forest forever.
It is perhaps a little questionable to apply effects generated by monsters to player-character spells. But in this case the monster descriptions are referencing the spell, and then providing some additional detail. In any case, I take the monster descriptions merely to indicate that the spell’s effect can be quite strong; for the victims of Nixies & Dryads it involves a complete change of lifestyle & allegiance. Beyond that, our specific situation (that of a player-character charming an NPC monster in the dungeon) is covered by the first example.
The section on Non-Player Characters in M&M is actually pretty straight-forward. (Delving Deeper v5 does not yet include a version of this text, so in this case I default to the original booklet.) I’ll quote the entire paragraph from page 12:
Monsters can be lured into service if they are of the same basic alignment as the player-character, or they can be Charmed and thus ordered to serve. Note, however, that the term “monster” includes men found in the dungeons, so in this way some high-level characters can be brought into a character’s service, charisma allowing or through a Charm spell. Some reward must be offered to a monster in order to induce it into service (not just sparing its life, for example). The monster will react, with appropriate pluses or minuses, according to the offer, the referee rolling two six-sided dice and adjusting for charisma
Again, pretty straight-forward, but there is a tricky bit: does “Some reward must be offered”, and the text following, apply in the case of Charm?
My interpretation is that it does not: the spell allows the monster to be “ordered to serve”, thus skipping the offer of reward, the initial reaction check, and moving straight on to determination of loyalty.
So the ruling is that the charmed figure will act as a retainer to the caster, subject to the rules of loyalty, morale, and so forth. The Charm bypasses the initial reaction check & necessity of offering a fee; in this case the monster is considered instantly “hired” & now in service.
The Greyhawk retro-clone Iron Falcon has this lovely text: “This spell makes a humanoid creature regard the caster as its leader”, which I find to be a very good statement of the spirit of the spell as far as I am concerned.
Later supplements & versions of the game added additional saving throws & further stipulations in order to reduce the power of this spell, but to me there isn’t too much of an issue. Loyalty must still be diced for (as described on M&M page 13), and the new retainer’s morale will be subject to all the usual conditions.
In the case of charming monsters of opposing alignment (which the above text makes clear is certainly possible), I think I will waive any harsh penalty at first, relying instead on the caster’s Charisma adjustment to Loyalty. But according to page 13 “Periodic re-checks of loyalty should be made”, and as time goes on & the enscorcelled characters grows to see more clearly the differences in basic world-view & goals between themself & their “leader”, well – trouble may be brewing!
To me, using the retainer rules of loyalty and morale is an elegant way to use existings systems to adjudicate the Charm, and moreover, is well-supported by the text.
It’s been noted in various discussion threads on the Open Table that the party is low on funds. A quick review of the Campaign Log shows the last haul was in Session 34 (7 sessions ago), and was actually relatively minor considering the party’s current level: 1453sp in gems.
That haul itself is a while back, but going back even further through the log, while there have been some small finds, it has actually been a very long time since there was any haul commensurate with the party’s skill & power. We have to go back to Session 20, when a very small group of low-level characters hauled 1000sp out of the River Temple (this amount, though small, was reasonable when considering that this was a “side quest” on an off night, with only 2 primary PCs).
Now, it’s my belief that part of the interest (fun?) in old-school play is in resource management at various levels. Our situation currently is that we have a cash-strapped party who cannot afford to do some of the “bigger picture” things they’d like to do (hire sages, spending on public funding, clear paths through the wilderness, take longer widerness expeditions, maybe even look toward establishing a stronghold). It isn’t necessarily a bad thing that the PCs are in this position: the narrative of having to go back to the miserable dungeon in order to find some loot so they can continue to spread their influence on the surface is compelling (at least to me).
So I’m not out to “fix” the situation in any way (I trust that the players will take care of that, and probably sooner than I think!). But I am curious as to why & how the current situation developed.
My first consideration, just off the top of my head, is that the party has done a lot of fighting recently. Thousands of XP from monsters defeated over the past dozen sessions or so. They’ve survived, because they are actually quite tough when facing low-level opponents – but there have been some close calls! And while they’ve earned a lot of XP, the gains in treasure have been small. It is possible their toughness could be leveraged in other ways – such as to press further & deeper into the dungeons, while avoiding combat as much as possible.
I’ve done a quick survey of the five active dungeons in the campaign, and note the following: three of the dungeons have substantial treasures remaining in their 1st-depth areas; only in one dungeon has the party ever ventured beyond the 1st-depth to any great extent; and of course there are substantial treasures (in some cases, huge treasures) awaiting on several of the deeper levels.
Without giving too much away, the party has done a good job on the whole of seeking out hidden treasures within the areas they have explored. The treasures remaining are, by and large, in areas that have not been explored.
I’m not sure what conclusions to draw from the above observations, though I will note that the party has apparently been reluctant to push on below 1st depths in any of the dungeons they’ve discovered.
As context, I’ll note that most of the dungeons in this campaign follow old patterns: the upper levels are less dangerous, and less rewarding, while the deeper one delves, the more difficult (but rewarding) the challenges become. And to be specific, the upper levels of most dungeons in this campaign are roughly suitable challenges for low-level characters. Depending on who is on a given delve, our current party actually verges well into mid-level territory (mainly denoted to me by the presence of 3HD Heroic-tier characters).
I offer the above merely as observations, and partly to satisfy my own curiousity as to the overall treasure-richness of the campaign (which, as you may know, is growing organically as time goes on – see Bare Bones Setting).
I’m very curious to see where the party goes next & where they focus their energies!
Of the many cool tools Alex has put together on campaignwiki.org, Hex Describe was one I’d long admired but hadn’t found a use for.
Hex Describe is an amazing tool. It can create a random regional hex map loaded with cool stuff. Moreover, while by default the hexes are populated from a set of detailed tables Alex created (just click the Submit button on Hex Describe to see an example of an Alex map), Hex Describe makes it very easy to create your own set of tables from which to populate the hex map.
To quickly understand how the tool works on a very basic level, go to Hex Describe and delete the content from the first text box. Then enter these lines instead:
0101 hill
0102 hill
0103 hill
0104 hill
0105 hill
0201 hill
0202 hill
0203 hill
0204 hill
0205 hill
0301 hill
0302 hill
0303 hill
0304 hill
0305 hill
0401 hill
0402 hill
0403 hill
0404 hill
0405 hill
0501 hill
0502 hill
0503 hill
0504 hill
0505 hill
include https://campaignwiki.org/contrib/gnomeyland.txt
Move the radio button as shown in this image:
![Hex Describe with the radio button set to “only use the data provided below”](img/hd001.png)
Then, in the last textarea on the page (under “Alternatively, just paste your tables here:"), paste the following:
1,an orc tribe lives here
1,a village of humans is here
1,the stronghold of an Evil High Priest is here
1,this is an empty hex
Finally, click Submit.
You’ll generate a 5x5 hex grid of hills. Each hex will either be empty, or have one of the above three occupants in it, with an equal chance of each.
The help page has a lot more detail on how to use Hex Describe for creating random hex maps based on your tables.
But this brings me to the reason I haven’t really used this tool at all: I already have a campaign setting with a hex map. However, the neat syntax for creating the tables actually makes Hex Describe a handy tool for rolling up random encounters, and I’ve recently started porting my campaign’s existing random encounter tables into it.
To see how this is done, first you’ll want to navigate to the no map version of Hex Describe. This can be used to test your random tables while you’re building them, but is also handy as a more general-purpose generator, including a random encounter roller!
We’re going to use the mountains results from the original game as an example, so in the first box we’ll just type:
Remember to change the radio button to “only use the data provided below”.
Under “Alternatively, just paste your tables here:”, you add the details of your random encounter chart.
That’s enough to give you a result for a broad type of encounter, but you probably want more detail than that. What if we use the following in the last textarea?
1,Evil High Priest
That gives you accurate results for Men encouters. If you keep working at it for a while, you might end up with the full mountain encounters in there. Upload the tables in a text file to someplace where they are publicly accessible on the web (e.g. Neocities). Then instead of copy-pasting the tables into the textarea on Hex Describe, you can paste the URL into the input labeled “Table URL”.
Once you’re done, the table might look something like this: lbbEncounters.txt
And you can generate a single encounter here: one mountain encounter
These are really just the basics of what you can do – now go make some encounter charts!
Alex has posed questions!
I answer regarding the Open Table campaign I’ve been running via Discord.
How many sessions have you been playing, more or less?
We’ve done 25 sessions. Session 26 is this Sunday!
How long have you been running this campaign?
First session was 2019-02-10, so just under a year.
Have you had long breaks? If so, how did you pick it up again?
We took a four month break. The server wasn’t totally quiet during that time; I ran a play-by-post side game during those months to keep something going on. Eventually we just picked back up. I think one regular had to drop out at that point.
How many people are at the table when you play?
Average of 4.2 people at the virtual table.
How many characters are in the party when you play?
Average 6.04. We have a house rule where under certain conditions (e.g. if the number of players is under six), players can choose to bring along one of their lower-level characters as a “retainer” (different from how the word is used in the BtB rules). Mercenaries can also be hired (and have been in later sessions), but while their use is more-or-less unrestrictived in the wilderness, in the Underworld they will only hold areas that have already been explored & cleared, i.e. they won’t push into unexplored dungeon areas.
How many players have you had in total over that time period, not counting guest appearances?
Apparently 44 players created PCs. I think 17 of those never actually played. That gives us 27 players who played at least 1 session.
Have you had guest appearances? How did it go? Did you gain regular players that way?
This is a casual West Marches-esque game. Players come & go. I think one or two players have been present at most of the sessions, but other than that, we’ve had people bop in for a single session, or stay for six or a dozen and then fade off, or be there every other session.
What have the character levels been over time?
Every character starts at Level 0 and gains Level 1 after surviving their first delve. We have a couple characters at level 4, and a couple at level 3.
What classes did the players pick? Did you add new classes over time?
Characters are randomly generated at Level 0, but upon gaining Level 1, players can choose from Fighter, Thief, or Sorcerer. We’ve had maybe two-thirds Fighters, and the rest split between Sorcerer & Thief.
Tell me about some adventures you ran over that time that I might enjoy hearing about?
The party spent several sessions exploring a dungeon within the city limits of their Home Base town, a strangely-expansive delve beneath the old mausoleum within the grounds of a ruined manor. While in the dungeon, they took several quests from a Wizard dwelling therein, helping him gain access to areas of the dungeon. Eventually orphans on the surface began to disappear, and the PCs made the startling realization that their employer was culprit! The wizard escaped, but they destroyed his allies & rescued most of the orphans, who took up residence in the ruined manor, becoming wards of the hermit-like owner.
The party has had a history with petrification. In one delve, the party ran into mysterious “snake-haired figures” who turned 2 characters to stone. In another, the party was surprised by a cockatrice, and three more characters were statue-fied! But the party went to great effort in later sessions to retrieve the statues & restore all of their comrades to flesh.
The Campaign Log gives a good overview, and the chat logs are still archived on the Discord server.
Have the rule changes over that time? Do you maintain a house-rules document?
We use Delving Deeper as the base rules, but we have added house rules. A couple of rules have been added over the course of the game.
But the biggest change rules-wise has been that we decided to put the dice rolls behind the ref screen at some point. I started out rolling the dice via a bot on the Discord server, but we found the process of using dice in the chatroom took a lot of time. Eventually I started rolling most dice to save time (still in chat), but eventually I tried running a session & rolling the dice “offline” and relaying the fictional results (not the numbers) to the players. They liked it & we’ve rolled that way ever since.
Has the setting changed over time?
The setting started out very simply, according to my Bare Bones Setting principles. Since then, I’ve tried to roll player-instigated events back into the setting, so they can meet recurring characters, visit the same locations & find them changed, that sort of thing. And now that the PCs are exploring the world further away from their first safe haven town, the world is growing session by session.
How much in-game distance did the party cover, how big is the area they have visited?
Not large! They’ve crossed maybe 20 miles of terrain, west of their first home base.
The region map is available to the party, so they know very roughly what exists in an 8 hex x 8 hex area.
Have you used proprietary setting books? Like, could you publish your campaign or would you be in trouble if you did?
The setting is original, but it’s also very minimal – there’s not much to be published! The dungeons populating the world are a mix of originals & modules.
Great questions!
There’ve been a couple blog posts about alternatives to the “attack roll vs AC” combat system. E.g. you could have an opposed roll for each attack, as Norbert suggested:
You attack me? Roll dice, but I roll mine – and if I roll higher than you, I counter-attack successfully.
And Alex had a cool idea:
All combatants in melee roll their attack and deal damage to anybody they beat.
It got me thinking about how I run combats. I play something like 1974 D&D (3LBBs), though usually through the lens of Delving Deeper.
I consider each combat in context in order to determine how to resolve initiative. If one side or the other has a clear advantage (e.g. surprise, universally longer weapons, living people fighting zombies), they might have initiative outright. But I usually (maybe 50% of the time) default to simultaneous resolution. I do sometimes use an initiative roll, if I’m not sure how the combatants are arrayed against each other.
But again, it often comes down to simultaneous resolution. In that case, I tally up the hit dice on each side, roll that many d20s in a fistful for attack rolls, and randomly determine who gets targeted. It’s possible for two sides to wipe each other out.
It’s certainly not any kind of opposed roll system (attack rolls are still being made against static AC), but I find that, because I often default to simultaneous resolution, you get that sense that anything could happen at any time. Sometimes a combatant who’s slain can wound or kill another combatant in the same round that they go down. It gives actually winning initiative some special bite, since it doesn’t happen as often.
There are some nuances: if there are Heroic figures on both sides of the combat, they pair off & fight, leaving the Normals to fight amongst themselves. Magic weapons or shields change things, too.
I received my copy of the Suldokar’s Wake pre-release (along with a fancy Whitehack Pocket).
![image of Suldokar’s Wake next to Whitehack Pocket Edition and some dice](/img/suldokar.jpg)
As I’ve noted before, Whitehack is a go-to game for me, and I was extremely excited to hear about this new game from the same author.
As with Whitehack four years ago, I can tell it’s going to take some time to fully grok Suldokar, but also as with WH – even at first glance I am enthralled!
A few first impressions:
- though I understand the format will change for final release, this little book is a pleasure to carry around & read
- the sketched-out setting is quite compelling from the first seven words: “For ages, the bug-ridden machine bard”
- I am surprisingly enthused by the notion of adventure modules meant to be fully utilized and even intentionally read aloud from without irony – this is a bold choice for an “old school” game & I am excited to see where it goes
Other than that, from my first speedy read-through my impression of the rules: this game system is tight. Reading through doesn’t give that impression at first, but when I reached the end of chapter 3 (probably the Harm section) I began to see how the different pieces hooked together so neatly. As with Whitehack, this is a game book I’ll be reading over & over again – and probably stealing from with abandon!
More here I’m sure as I digest this game! And I’m very much looking forward to following the progress as it develops toward final release.
If you want to learn more about this game-in-development:
Last night’s session at the open table involved a single quick & overwhelming combat, followed by retreat, leading into an entire session’s worth of sneaking about, making maps, and eventually: talking with underworld denizens!
Since the last post there have been several further expeditions, including one back to the delve beneath the watchtower, and then several closer to home, exploring the abandoned Rode Manor and the secret dungeon under its mausoleum. For details on all these, the campaign log is available as a summary, and the full chat records are archived on the discord server.
Meanwhile, I’d like to bring special attention to last night’s session 7. We’ve shifted to Thursday evenings for a few weeks, and some of the regulars are unable to make the game, so we were down to three players. We instituted a house rule allowing players to bring lower-level PCs from their stable as retainers, so the party consisted of 3 “primary” PCs, 2 additional PCs as retainers (semi-autonomous and subject to morale), and the kid torchbearer Tork.
Even with the retainers I think the party felt a little small, and thus cautious. The under-mausoleum had been explored a bit in the previous session, but had revealed itself to be well-populated and probably quite dangerous. The party proceeded with caution.
However, they almost immediately (second door opening) ran into a large group of the walking dead. Trying to make a fighting retreat (back to the first door), they were nearly overwhelmed when one of the retainers, Martel, went down with 0hp. Thanks to Alex’s Death & Dismemberment table from Halberds & Helmets fresh-faced Martel did not perish, but instead lost his (roll of 6, roll of 1) nose, which the dead tore from his face in the scuffle!
This terrible loss sufficiently spooked the party that they decided to break & run. They made it back to the first door, slammed it, held it, and spiked it.
And then ensued most of an entire session spent sneaking about and avoiding conflict. The party would creep up to a door, listen carefully, and either spike the door, or creep off again. The entire time they were taking careful notes, so as we neared the end of the session, they’d penciled in the locations of several factions, and identified several loops in the dungeon structure that would give them a tactical advantage if it came to conflict.
Two walking wounded out of five was enough to encourage this quiet, exploratory approach (rather than a more violent kick-the-door style).
As session end approached, the party opened a door to find a group of half-sized people on the other side. These were neutrals, and the reaction check was good, so a conversation ensued which set the tone for the rest of the session: talking to neutral factions about the layout of the dungeon, getting info, and making approaches to alliance.
So while the party found no treasure, they managed to explore perhaps a third of the level, and get a good idea for where the dangerous factions might be. They also identified some interesting doors behind which treasure might surely lie… And finally, because of their willingness to talk, they turned up a possible job with the wizard occupying the northwest quadrant of the level.
All-in-all I felt it was a session very well played on the party’s side, so I awarded an amount of XP just for the sake of exploration.
Many leads have been turned up, and we shall see which ones are to be followed next week.
If the above sounds interesting to you, there’s always room at the table if you care to join!
Two more expeditions have been made beneath the Raven Hill watchtower.
First, a party went back to the watchtower to seek out & destroy the creature Rikard (who they met in session 1).
The party returned to the watchtower, intent on killing Rikard. They busted the door & were attacked by giant ferrets, leading to Ymar having his arm broken (though quick magical work from Terg saved his life. Once the ferrets were vanquished, they continue through the trapdoor down into the depths. The strange red underwold torches were all extuingished. In Rikard’s old room they met Ornir, a flunky of some kind who passed them a message from Rikard, but was convinced to join them in killing the bad guy (he seemed to have a grievance against his boss).
So, guided by Ornir, the party went down to the 2nd level. There they were ambushed in the process of setting their own ambush, but managed to retreat in order. Then they taunted Rikard out of the safety of his ranks, and shot him down in cold blood.
This did not please his many underlings, who charged, but a well-timed spell from Gale opened a pit to hold off the charge, and the party grabbed Rikard’s body & sword, and fled the scene!
Next, a party led by Lem the Fighter went into the halls beneath the watchtower, and chose to explore beyond the skull door. There they found several sarcophagi, sealed chambers, catacombs, and a room with a large mosaic depicting the life of a bug-eyed dead man. One corpse came to life and was exterminated. They found an emerald in the lid of a tomb, and a magical dagger, but beat an ordered retreat when assailed by skeleton guardians of the crypts.
Session reports are available for session 2 and session 3.
There is also a Campaign Log with summaries and links to the individual reports.
And the chat logs are on the Discord server as usual.
The next expedition heads out next Sunday!
Since I’m using a static-site generator I don’t have an easy way to add comments to these posts. I’m going to experiment with running a simple forum where discussion may happen.
So without further ado: acodispo.net message board!
I’ll hope to post there whenever I do a new blog post here.
I’ve prepared an equipment list for my open table, which:
- is meant for earliest rules traditions (all weapons deal 1d6 damage in normal combat)
- is priced to a silver piece (SP) standard
- has city & rural prices
- is Open Game Content
Given the above perks, I thought it might be useful for others.
Here are the available formats:
The list is also included at the end of this post.
If you have a comment, an issue, would like to generate your own additional formats, or would like to collaborate, source files can be found on gitlab: https://gitlab.com/acodispo/open-market/
Collaboration is especially encouraged: add weights, add more equipment, fix errors, etc! Pull/merge requests will be reviewed & probably accepted!
It took me a few hours to get this content together in a usable format. If you end up using it, consider dropping a tip in my ko-fi jar.
Open Market
Open Market by Andrew Codispoti is ©2019. It can be found at
https://acodispo.net/rpg/posts/open-market/ with source files at
The following equipment price tables & accompanying explanatory text are
Open Game Content under the terms of the Open Game License 1.0a, which
should be distributed with this content, either at the end of a
generated document (such as PDF, HTML, or ODT), or as an accompanying
LICENSE.md, and which is always available at
The Market
General Notes
You may sell used or looted items back to the market for half price.
Italicized items are considered Non-Encumbering items for encumbrance
purposes, although the Referee can rule that quantities of the items do
count towards encumbrance. Items listed in underline are considered to
be Oversized.
Type | City | Rural | AC |
Light | 25 sp | 50sp | 7 |
Medium | 100sp | – | 5 |
Heavy | 1,000sp | – | 3 |
Shield | 10sp | 25sp | -2 |
Helmet | 5sp | 10sp | * |
Barding, light | 250sp | – | 7 |
Barding, medium | 500sp | – | 5 |
Barding, heavy | 1,000sp | – | 3 |
Weapon | City | Rural | Special |
Lance | 30sp | – | charge from horseback |
Polearm | 30sp | – | |
Rapier | 15sp | – | |
Spear | 5sp | 3sp | strike from second rank |
Staff | 5sp | 3sp | |
Weapon, Minor | 5sp | 5sp | daggers, knives, etc |
Weapon, small | 10sp | 10sp | short sword, hand axe, etc |
Weapon, medium | 20sp | 50sp | arming sword, battle axe, mace, flail, etc |
Weapon, great | 50sp | – | great axe, longsword, maul, etc |
Whip | 10sp | 25sp | can entangle |
Weapon | City | Rural | Special |
Blowgun | 5sp | – | |
Bow, long | 45sp | – | |
Bow, short | 25sp | 25sp | |
Crossbow, heavy | 30sp | – | |
Crossbow, light | 25sp | – | |
Rock | – | – | |
Sling | 1sp | 5cp | |
Dart | 1sp | | |
Spear | 5sp | 3sp | |
Other thrown weapons | as melee | as melee | |
General Equipment
Item | City | Rural |
Carrier Pigeon | 100sp | 100sp |
Dog | 1sp | 2sp |
Horse, riding | 100sp | 100sp |
Horse, war | 500sp | – |
Livestock | 10sp | 5sp |
Mule | 50sp | 25sp |
Pony | 75sp | 50sp |
Item | City | Rural |
Backpack | 3sp | 1sp |
Barrel | 1sp | 5sp |
Chest | 10sp | 5sp |
Pouch | 5cp | 1cp |
Quiver | 5sp | 10sp |
Sack | 5cp | 2cp |
Saddlebag | 1sp | 5cp |
Item | City | Rural |
Cart | 50sp | 25sp |
Coach | 500sp | – |
Wagon | 150sp | 75sp |
Chariot | 250sp | – |
Boat, raft | 5sp | 5sp |
Boat, canoe | 30sp | 25sp |
Item | City | Rural |
Bottle of Wine/Liquor, Poor | 5cp | 2cp |
Bottle of Wine/Liquor, Decent | > 1sp | > 1sp |
Bottle of Wine/Liquor, Rich | > 10sp | – |
Drink, cheap | 1cp | 1cp |
Drink, decent | 3cp | 2cp |
Drink, good | 6cp | 4cp |
Drink, rich | > 15sp | > 10sp |
Meal, fancy | 1sp | 5cp |
Meal, horrid | 2cp | 1cp |
Meal, rich | > 15sp | > 10sp |
Meal, standard | 5cp | 3cp |
Rations, iron per day | 2sp | 1sp |
Rations, standard per day | 1sp | 5cp |
Feed, animal per day | 1sp | 5cp |
Item | City | Rural |
Barn | – | 1cp |
Inn, poor | 1sp | 5cp |
Inn, average | 5sp | 2sp |
Inn, secure | 10sp | 5sp |
Inn, fancy | > 25sp | > 2sp |
Inn, extravagant | > 100sp | > 25sp |
Rent, 1 month (per 10’ sq.) | 30sp | 15sp |
Costs are per day, unless noted. The cost to buy instead of rent is one
hundred times the listed monthly rental price.
Item | City | Rural |
Air bladder | 1sp | 1sp |
Bedroll | 2sp | 1sp |
Block & tackle | 2sp | 3sp |
Book, blank | 5sp | 10sp |
Book, reading | 10sp | 20sp |
Book, spell (blank) | 100sp | – |
Caltrop | 5cp | – |
Candle | 1cp | 1cp |
Chain, per foot | 1sp | 2sp |
Chalk | 1cp | 1cp |
Clothing, extravagant | > 20sp | – |
Clothing, normal | 5sp | 2sp |
Clothing, poor | 1sp | 5cp |
Clothing, winter travel | 10sp | 5sp |
Cooking pots | 1sp | 5cp |
Crampons | 5sp | 5sp |
Crowbar | 2sp | 2sp |
Drill | 5sp | 5sp |
Fishing gear | 1sp | 1sp |
Flask of lamp oil | 2sp | 2sp |
Garlic | 3cp | 1cp |
Gem | > 5sp | > 5sp |
Grappling hook | 5sp | 10sp |
Holy symbol, silver | 25sp | 50sp |
Holy symbol, steel | 10sp | 10sp |
Holy symbol, wood | 1sp | 1cp |
Holy water | 25sp | 25sp |
Hourglass | 100sp | – |
Ink | 1cp | 5cp |
Instrument, musical | > 1sp | > 5sp |
Jewelry | > 10sp | > 10sp |
Ladder, 10’ | 10sp | 7sp |
Lantern | 3sp | 5sp |
Lard | 1cp | 1cp |
Lock | 7sp | 10sp |
Mallet | 3cp | 3cp |
Manacles | 10sp | 15sp |
Map, local | 1sp | 5sp |
Mirror, glass | 10sp | 15sp |
Mirror, silver | 30sp | – |
Mirror, steel | 1sp | 5sp |
Nails | 1cp | 2cp |
Paper | 2cp | 2cp |
Pick, miner’s | 6sp | 12sp |
Pipe | 1sp | 5cp |
Pole, 10’ | 1sp | 5cp |
Riding gear | 25sp | 10sp |
Rope, 50’ | 3sp | 3sp |
Scroll case | 1sp | 3sp |
Shovel | 3sp | 3sp |
Soap | 1cp | 1cp |
Specialist’s tools | 50sp | – |
Spike, iron | 3cp | 5cp |
Spike, wooden | 1cp | 1cp |
Spyglass | 250sp | – |
Tent, grand | 25sp | – |
Tent, pavilion | 50sp | – |
Tent, personal | 5sp | 10sp |
tent, regular | 10sp | 20sp |
Tinderbox | 1sp | 5sp |
Tobacco | 1sp | 5cp |
Torch | 1cp | 1cp |
Vial or bottle, empty | 5cp | 7cp |
Waterskin | 1sp | 1sp |
Whistle | 1sp | 1sp |
Wolvesbane | 1sp | 1cp |
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights
- Definitions: (a)“Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)“Derivative
Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and
translations (including into other computer languages), potation,
modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement,
compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may
be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to
reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display,
transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)“Open Game Content” means the
game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and
routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product
Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional
content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor,
and means any work covered by this License, including translations
and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes
Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product
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thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols,
designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes
and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations;
names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments,
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities;
places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic
designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly
identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity,
and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f)
“Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs
that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or
the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the
Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute,
copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create
Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means
the licensee in terms of this agreement.
- The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a
notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added
to or subtracted from this License except as described by the
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any
Open Game Content distributed using this License.
- Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate
Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
- Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide,
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this
License to Use, the Open Game Content.
- Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
- Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or
distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and
the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original
Open Game Content you Distribute.
- Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each
element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate
compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered
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except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with
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- Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly
indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are
Open Game Content.
- Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version
of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
originally distributed under any version of this License.
- Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with
every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
- Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have
written permission from the Contributor to do so.
- Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any
of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open
Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental
regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
- Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail
to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within
30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall
survive the termination of this License.
- Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
- Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
- System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathon Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
- System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker,
Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D.
Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
- Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman,
Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins,
Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R.
Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
- Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004, Troll Lord
Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
- Castles & Crusades: Monsters Product Support, ©2005, Troll Lord
- Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright ©2006–2008 Chris
- New Spells: A Basic Fantasy Supplement Copyright © 2007 Chris
Gonnerman, Ola Berg, Angelo Bertolli, Jeff Querner, Everett
Bradshaw, Emiliano Marchetti,Ethan Moore, Jim Bobb, and Scott
- OSRIC(TM) © 2006, Stuart Marshall, adapting material prepared by
Matthew J. Finch, based upon the System Reference Document, and
inspired by the works of E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, and many
- Labyrinth Lord™ Copyright 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor, Author Daniel
- Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, © 2008, Matthew J. Finch
- Eldritch Weirdness, Book One, © 2008, Matthew J. Finch
- Darwin’s World © 2002, RPGObjects; Authors Dominic Covey and Chris
- Mutant FutureTM © 2008, Daniel Proctor and Ryan Denison. Authors
Daniel Proctor and Ryan Denison.
- Advanced Edition Companion, © 2009–2010, Daniel Proctor. Author
Daniel Proctor.
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy Role-Playing
Deluxe Edition, © 2010, LotFP. Author James Edward Raggi IV
- First Level Magic-User Spells Grindhouse Edition Spell Contest:
Bookspeak, © 2011 Daniel Smith
- First Level Magic-User Spells Grindhouse Edition Spell Contest: Howl
of the Moon, © 2011 Joel Rojas)
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy Role-Playing
Grindhouse Edition, © 2011, LotFP, Author James Edward Raggi IV
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy Role-Playing
Player Core Book: Rules & Magic © 2013 LotFP, author James Edward
Raggi IV
- Open Market © 2019, Andrew Codispoti.